Diversité et Identité Culturelle en Europe
DICE Review 11.2 – November 2014
Issues / 11th November 2014

Issue 11.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Full Text Download Abstracts TABLE OF CONTENTS: FONDEMENTS DU DIALOGUE CULTUREL Alexandru GAFTON Social dynamics and the linguistic norm/7 Lucian CHIŞU In search of its own identity: mass-media in post-communism/25 Adriana CUCIUREANU Romanian culture within UNESCO cultural heritage/41 CONFLUENCES Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA; Ana Maria PANȚU The etymologic structure of Romanian mythonyms (II)/51 Cecilia-Iuliana VÂRLAN Difficulties and constraints in translating philosophical texts. Mechanisms of reception and the (in)stability of meaning/69 Marinuşa CONSTANTIN La relation Latin-Roumain dans l’evolution des mots derivés avec le préfixe ÎN-/83 Corina SANDIUC Languages and cultures in contact: the French language and the maritime terminology/95 Alina-Magdalena Preda L’adaptation des termes d’origine française aux traits caractéristiques de la phonologie roumaine/105 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Naveen K MEHTA Suffering: blessing in disguise (exploring Kālidāsa’s Abhijñānaśākuntalam and Shakespeare’s Othello)/119 Angela STĂNESCU Fiction with a mission: history as lived experience in Salman Rushdie’s novels/129 Suela KOÇA Analysis of the use of English set phrases and their Albanian equivalents/139 Maria Mocanu Notes from manuscripts and old books from Moldavia. I-IV, Corpus edited by Ioan Caproşu and Elena Chiaburu. Fragments of history/149 READ…