Issue 21.2 of the DICE Review has now been published To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 20.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. LITERATURE – BRAND OF CULTURAL IDENTITY Lavinia NĂDRAG, Alina GĂLBEAZĂ (BUZARNA-TIHENEA) Multilingualism, multiculturalism and the interculturally competent teachers / 7 Claudia SAPTA L’esthétique culturelle face aux enjeux sociotechniques ou de la perception de l’image artistique à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle / 25 Ileana TĂNASE The Aesthetics of DADA, a game of chance? / 45 II. LINGUISTIC CONFLUENCES Liliana SOARE Several morphosyntactic features of the translations from French made by Alexe Marin / 55 Alina Marieta RUCĂREANUDefinition and description of interjections in the first grammar books of the Romanian language (1667-1914) / 75 Ioana Hermine FIERBINȚEANU Eine neue kontrastiv-typologische Analyse der Onomatopoetika im Deutschen und Rumänischen / 91 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA Latin – Romanic – Romanian: the case of “problematic participles” / 115 III. BRANDS OF CULTURAL IDENTITY Lucian CHIȘUThe Diaries of Fănuș Neagu / 161 Fazel Ebrihiam FREEKSMissional parenting and missional fatherhood as a buffer against father absence and fatherlessness in South Africa / 179 Ana-Maria BĂNICĂ“The case” of Poor Ioanide, or on critical reception in different stages of post-war Romanian literary history…
To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 21.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FUNDAMENTALS Oana IUCU A new historical perspective on the European construction: Charles-Irénée Castel de Saint Pierre, a naive idealist and/or a huge visionary / 7 II. BRANDS OF CULTURAL IDENTITY Cosmin CĂPRIOARĂPerspectives “from outside” on the Romanian language / 19 Andreea-Diana POPA SAVU Adjectival structures in Romanian New Testament versions / 41 Ioan CRISTESCU Gellu Naum and creative exasperation / 57 George NEAGOE The emergence of 1960s generation of poets in Romania, during Communism. Propaganda discourse: “under the sign of Revolution”, “Lenin’s generation”, “the generation fighting against inertia” and “the generation of the IXth Romanian Communist Party Congress” / 67 III. LINGUISTIC CONFLUENCES Mioara CODLEANULa traduction comme voyage dans l’altérité socioculturelle de l’original / 105 Roxana-Magdalena BÂRLEALe roumain, le fraçais et le latin dans une grammaire roumaine du XIXème siècle / 119 IV. RIDENTITY AND RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY Fazel Ebrihiam FREEKSFatherhood: several challenges of father absence in the South African landscape / 161 Ana-Maria DULEASocial guidance in the letters of Saint Paul the Apostle / 183 IV. REVIEWS AND EVENTS Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEAA Document-Book for the History of Romanian Culture and…
Issue 20.2 of the DICE Review has now been published To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 20.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. LITERATURE – BRAND OF CULTURAL IDENTITY Lucian CHIȘU Eugen Simion: „Exegi monumentum” / 9 II. THE LITERARY CRITIC George NEAGOE On the “Cultural Heritage” of Literary Criticism in Eugen Simion’s Work: Between “Comprehensive Criticism”, “Directional Criticism” and Militant Criticism (1965-1971) / 21 III. THE THEORETICIAN Raluca DUNĂThe Return of the Author / 39 Ana-Maria BĂNICĂThe Return of the Author: An Existentialist Creed / 47 Maria OANCEALe critique-écrivain et la présence de l’auteur / 61 IV. THE PROJECT AUTHOR Laurențiu HANGANUThe General Dictionary of Romanian Literature, Canon of Romanian Literature. E. Simion and the Post-Revolutionary Debates on the Literary Canon / 71 Mihăiță STROE A Project of Scholars: The Anthology of Romanian Moralists / 87 V. THE BIOGRAPHICAL GENRES Oana SAFTA Le genre biographique et son actualité / 93 Andrei MILCA The Figure of the Literary Critic in Diaries and Dialogues (Outlines of a Self-Portrait) / 101 VI. VARIA Marija NENADIĆEugen Simion – Cultural Presence in Serbia / 121 Laura PASCALELinguistic Terminology in the field of Syntax in the first Romanian Grammars (end of…
Issue 20.1 of the DICE Review has now been published To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 20.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. LITERATURE – BRAND OF CULTURAL IDENTITY Lucian CHIȘU Marin Preda – from debut to celebrity / 7 Ioana-Alexandra VASILOIU Identites culturelles europeennes. Eminescu – un personnage? / 31 Olimpia VARGA Lucian Blaga under the light of may / 47 II. LINGUISTIC CONFLUENCES Cosmin CĂPRIOARĂ The place of the anatomical metaphor in Romanian dialect variants / 53 Constantin-Georgel STOICA Interrogative structures in the written didactic discourse / 81 Violeta-Georgiana BUTISEACĂ Expressing highest/lowest intensity in Romanian and Spanish. A contrastive-typological approach / 93 III. IDENTITY AND RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY Ana Maria DULEA Hypostases of “The word” in biblical texts / 105 Bogdan MOHOR OBREJA The mission of the church in the Romanian cultural space / 117 IV. REVIEWS AND EVENTS Marinușa CONSTANTINReview. Ştefan Găitănaru, Gramatica critică a limbii române, Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, Piteşti, 2018, 468 p. / 133 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931
Issue 19.1-2 of the DICE Review has now been published To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 19.1-2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Jean HIAMBA OVUNGU La question de l’au-delà et de la vie d’outre-tombe dans l’univers culturel Ankutshu-Membele / 7 II. CONFLUENCES Roxana-Magdalena BÂRLEAThe term “engagement” and its derivatives in Latin and Romance languages / 27 Maica Alexandra RUCĂREANUDefinitions and terminology regarding the Romanian article. A diachronic perspective / 49 Violeta BUTISEACĂThe role of suffixation in encoding highest/lowest intensity in Romanian and Spanish / 67 Constantin-Georgel STOICAParticularities of partial interrogatives in the written didactic discourse / 81 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Serenela GHIŢEANULieux et “non-lieux” dans la tetralogie sur Marie de Jean-Philippe Toussaint / 103 Stefania GORZOLa femme idealisée et la condition de la femme dans l’œuvre de Panaït Istrati / 117 Maria-Elena MUSCANVom Tabu zum Euphemismus in der Umschreibung des Wahnsinns / 131 Alphonsine ALOKI YENYILLa question de l’intersubjectivité dans la pensée d’E. Levinas. Essai d’analyse / 141 IV. ÉVÉNEMENTS Ileana TĂNASELinguistic terminology – with Saussure and after Saussure / 149 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931
Issue 18.2 of the DICE Review has now been published To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 18.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Alexandru GAFTON Considerations on the emergence of human language / 7 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA …And, still, what do translations do? / 57 II. CONFLUENCES Ana-Maria MINUȚBeobachtungen zu zwei- und mehrsprachigen Wörterbüchern die das Deutsche beinhalten und in der Zeitspanne 1918-1933 erschienen / 77 Maica Alexandra RUCĂREANULa grammaire d’un roi de la poésie roumaine / 87 Ion LIHACIUThe romanian press in Habsburg Bukovina / 93 Francisca SOLOMONJiddische Verlage und Bibliotheken in der Bukowina der Zwischenkriegszeit. Erkundungen in der Czernowitzer Presse / 103 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Camelia CRĂCIUNYankev Shternberg and the modernization of Yiddish theatre in interwar Romania / 113 Soumya TIWARI & Naveen K. MEHTARevisiting Indian myths in Githa Hariharan’s The thousand faces of night. A critical perspective / 127 Juliette PANIS & Annick ENGLEBERTSe préparer à mourir au Moyen Âge: présentation de quelques Arts de bien mourir en français / 135 Marceline NGOY AHAKOLa question de l’autorité de l’enseignant en milieu scolaire congolais. Repères pour l’amélioration du processus d’enseignement- apprentissage / 149 Benoît MULONGELA TSHILOMBAL’extractivisme à la péripherie de la…
Issue 18.1 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 18.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA Latin mythology and its European reflexes / 7 II. DESTINÉES EUROPÉENNES Mioara CODLEANUValences identitaires de la charge variétale dans la traduction / 39 Cosmin CĂPRIOARĂParticularités de la latinité roumaine. Relecture des recherches dans le domaine / 57 Monica Cezarina OBAGIU ILIEThe logico-linguistic bases of discourse generation / 95 Ferdinand OKOKO-o-ALILa stylistique française dans l’univers romanesque africain : Cas de l’insulte / 115 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Annick ENGLEBERTL’intégration de l’enseignement bilingue consécutif dans les systèmes éducatifs : les enseignants africains entre transfert de savoirs et transfert de compétences / 135 Maria Elena MUSCANDeutsche Redewendungen und Chunks mit Tieren – ein Gesteuerter Spracherwerb / 153 David LUMBALASome problems of testing pupils in English as a foreign language: Case of Kananga secondary schools / 161 Sofie BARTHELSLes « amants-amis », une alternative à l’éros ? Lecture paratopique du couple dans Oncle Anghel et Présentation Des Haïdoucs de Panaït Istrati / 175 Natasha SHARMA, Naveen Kumar MEHTAMinor characters in the select short stories of R. K. Narayan: A critique / 189 Ferdinand OKOKO-o-ALILa…
Issue 17.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 17.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Alexandru GAFTONThe metaphor between splendour and frailty / 7 Jean HIAMBA OVUNGUPersonne, personnalisme dans les philosophies de M. Nédoncelle, E. Mounier et G. Marcel. Confrontations critiques / 17 II. CONFLUENCES Ștefan GĂITĂNARUThe reorganization of the direct and indirect objects in Romanian language / 27 Monica Cezarina OBAGIU ILIECognitive-discursive analysis by means of the Tropes software / 35 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Jean HIAMBA OVUNGULes forgerons du Kasaï et leurs rites initiatiques / 63 Cristina HERMEZIUConfinement et pratiques de l’extimité sur internet et les réseaux sociaux numériques / 75 Antoine MBODI WEDIONDO NEMBALEMBADe la didactisation de l’histoire en 5ème et 6ème années secondaires dans la ville de Kananga (de 2018 à 2019) / 93 Ana-Maria POPESCU POPAGrammatical and stylistic particularities in Livy’s work / 109 Sofie BARTHELSCondamnation de l’éros et paratopie de l’écrivain : la représentation du couple dans Kyra Kyralina et Oncle Anghel, de Panaït Istrati / 155 IV. ÉVÉNEMENTS Roxana-Magdalena BÂRLEAOn Romanian culture in European context / 171 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931
Issue 17.1 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 17.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Baudouin DECHARNEUX L’ Apocalypse: une idée antique ambiguë / 7 II. DESTINÉES EUROPÉENNES Lucian CHIȘU The second shout: Fănuș Neagu and his classicization. On „În văpaia lunii” (1971) through the eyes of literary criticism / 19 Serenela GHIŢEANU „Le mal de mer”, de Marie Darrieussecq: défi des clichés et complexe de la mère / 33 Diana PAINCA “All this evidence! But one picture would be worth a thousand words”. The translation of imagery in oral history interviews on communism / 43 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Denis ROUX Toponymie de la Provence: état des lieux, questions, enjeux et errements / 69 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA La latinité orientale. Aspects historiques et linguistiques / 103 Marinuşa CONSTANTIN The actantial structure of derived change-of-state verbs in the old Romanian language (I) / 121 Lilia CUCIUC Linguistic calques in the Romanian language of the Republic of Moldova / 141 Anișoara BLÎNDU BADEA Transphrastic connectors in The Gospel according to Matthew / 163 IV. CONFLUENCES Maria-Elena MUSCAN Projektbasiertes unterrichten. ein Motivierendes Konzept der…
Issue 16.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 16.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS FONDEMENTS Alexandru GAFTON Bilingualism – to term through concept/ 7 Gheorghe CHIVU The Transylvanian School – a new assessment/ 47 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA The concept of “Latinitas”. A diachronic approach/ 57 CONFLUENCES Lucian CHIȘU Fănuș Neagu – Addenda to the volumes published between 1959 and 1962 / 69 Sébastien CHONAVEY La création du lien matrimonial dans Raoul de Cambrai. Le cas de Bernier et Béatrice / 85 Maria-Elena MUSCAN Der Weg zur Literatur führt über die Grammatik / 107 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Mioara CODLEANU La gestion des marqueurs identitaires entre le transfert et le blocage / 119 Nicolas SOLONAKIS Vers une théorie synthétique de l’émergence du capitalisme et du développement économique de l’Europe : L’apport de Fernand Braudel / 133 Cecilia VÂRLAN Identität und Alterität im Roman Europolis von Jean Bart / 153 Yusuke SUMI Japan described in a 1755 Latin geographic treatise. Issues of translation and interpretation / 167 ÉVÉNEMENTS Liliana ȚUROIU Une initiative coulée dans le bronze – La première stutue de la Reine Marie de Roumanie érigée…