Diversité et Identité Culturelle en Europe
DICE Review 21.1 – May 2024
Issues / 15th May 2024

To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 21.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FUNDAMENTALS Oana IUCU A new historical perspective on the European construction: Charles-Irénée Castel de Saint Pierre, a naive idealist and/or a huge visionary / 7 II. BRANDS OF CULTURAL IDENTITY Cosmin CĂPRIOARĂPerspectives “from outside” on the Romanian language / 19 Andreea-Diana POPA SAVU Adjectival structures in Romanian New Testament versions / 41 Ioan CRISTESCU Gellu Naum and creative exasperation / 57 George NEAGOE The emergence of 1960s generation of poets in Romania, during Communism. Propaganda discourse: “under the sign of Revolution”, “Lenin’s generation”, “the generation fighting against inertia” and “the generation of the IXth Romanian Communist Party Congress” / 67 III. LINGUISTIC CONFLUENCES Mioara CODLEANULa traduction comme voyage dans l’altérité socioculturelle de l’original / 105 Roxana-Magdalena BÂRLEALe roumain, le fraçais et le latin dans une grammaire roumaine du XIXème siècle / 119 IV. RIDENTITY AND RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY Fazel Ebrihiam FREEKSFatherhood: several challenges of father absence in the South African landscape / 161 Ana-Maria DULEASocial guidance in the letters of Saint Paul the Apostle / 183 IV. REVIEWS AND EVENTS Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEAA Document-Book for the History of Romanian Culture and…

DICE Review 20.2 – November 2023
Issues / 14th November 2023

Issue 20.2 of the DICE Review has now been published To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 20.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. LITERATURE – BRAND OF CULTURAL IDENTITY Lucian CHIȘU Eugen Simion: „Exegi monumentum” / 9 II. THE LITERARY CRITIC George NEAGOE On the “Cultural Heritage” of Literary Criticism in Eugen Simion’s Work: Between “Comprehensive Criticism”, “Directional Criticism” and Militant Criticism (1965-1971) / 21 III. THE THEORETICIAN Raluca DUNĂThe Return of the Author / 39 Ana-Maria BĂNICĂThe Return of the Author: An Existentialist Creed / 47 Maria OANCEALe critique-écrivain et la présence de l’auteur / 61 IV. THE PROJECT AUTHOR Laurențiu HANGANUThe General Dictionary of Romanian Literature, Canon of Romanian Literature. E. Simion and the Post-Revolutionary Debates on the Literary Canon / 71 Mihăiță STROE A Project of Scholars: The Anthology of Romanian Moralists / 87 V. THE BIOGRAPHICAL GENRES Oana SAFTA Le genre biographique et son actualité / 93 Andrei MILCA The Figure of the Literary Critic in Diaries and Dialogues (Outlines of a Self-Portrait) / 101 VI. VARIA Marija NENADIĆEugen Simion – Cultural Presence in Serbia / 121 Laura PASCALELinguistic Terminology in the field of Syntax in the first Romanian Grammars (end of…

DICE Review 20.1 – May 2023
Issues / 15th May 2023

Issue 20.1 of the DICE Review has now been published To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 20.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. LITERATURE – BRAND OF CULTURAL IDENTITY Lucian CHIȘU Marin Preda – from debut to celebrity / 7 Ioana-Alexandra VASILOIU Identites culturelles europeennes. Eminescu – un personnage? / 31 Olimpia VARGA Lucian Blaga under the light of may / 47 II. LINGUISTIC CONFLUENCES Cosmin CĂPRIOARĂ The place of the anatomical metaphor in Romanian dialect variants / 53 Constantin-Georgel STOICA Interrogative structures in the written didactic discourse / 81 Violeta-Georgiana BUTISEACĂ Expressing highest/lowest intensity in Romanian and Spanish. A contrastive-typological approach / 93 III. IDENTITY AND RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY Ana Maria DULEA Hypostases of “The word” in biblical texts / 105 Bogdan MOHOR OBREJA The mission of the church in the Romanian cultural space / 117 IV. REVIEWS AND EVENTS Marinușa CONSTANTINReview. Ştefan Găitănaru, Gramatica critică a limbii române, Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, Piteşti, 2018, 468 p. / 133 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931

DICE Review 19.1-2 – November 2022
Issues / 15th November 2022

Issue 19.1-2 of the DICE Review has now been published To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 19.1-2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Jean HIAMBA OVUNGU La question de l’au-delà et de la vie d’outre-tombe dans l’univers culturel Ankutshu-Membele / 7 II. CONFLUENCES Roxana-Magdalena BÂRLEAThe term “engagement” and its derivatives in Latin and Romance languages / 27 Maica Alexandra RUCĂREANUDefinitions and terminology regarding the Romanian article. A diachronic perspective / 49 Violeta BUTISEACĂThe role of suffixation in encoding highest/lowest intensity in Romanian and Spanish / 67 Constantin-Georgel STOICAParticularities of partial interrogatives in the written didactic discourse / 81 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Serenela GHIŢEANULieux et “non-lieux” dans la tetralogie sur Marie de Jean-Philippe Toussaint / 103 Stefania GORZOLa femme idealisée et la condition de la femme dans l’œuvre de Panaït Istrati / 117 Maria-Elena MUSCANVom Tabu zum Euphemismus in der Umschreibung des Wahnsinns / 131 Alphonsine ALOKI YENYILLa question de l’intersubjectivité dans la pensée d’E. Levinas. Essai d’analyse / 141 IV. ÉVÉNEMENTS Ileana TĂNASELinguistic terminology – with Saussure and after Saussure / 149 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931

DICE Review 18.2 – November 2021
Issues / 15th November 2021

Issue 18.2 of the DICE Review has now been published To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 18.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Alexandru GAFTON Considerations on the emergence of human language / 7 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA …And, still, what do translations do? / 57 II. CONFLUENCES Ana-Maria MINUȚBeobachtungen zu zwei- und mehrsprachigen Wörterbüchern die das Deutsche beinhalten und in der Zeitspanne 1918-1933 erschienen / 77 Maica Alexandra RUCĂREANULa grammaire d’un roi de la poésie roumaine / 87 Ion LIHACIUThe romanian press in Habsburg Bukovina / 93 Francisca SOLOMONJiddische Verlage und Bibliotheken in der Bukowina der Zwischenkriegszeit. Erkundungen in der Czernowitzer Presse / 103 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Camelia CRĂCIUNYankev Shternberg and the modernization of Yiddish theatre in interwar Romania / 113 Soumya TIWARI & Naveen K. MEHTARevisiting Indian myths in Githa Hariharan’s The thousand faces of night. A critical perspective / 127 Juliette PANIS & Annick ENGLEBERTSe préparer à mourir au Moyen Âge: présentation de quelques Arts de bien mourir en français / 135 Marceline NGOY AHAKOLa question de l’autorité de l’enseignant en milieu scolaire congolais. Repères pour l’amélioration du processus d’enseignement- apprentissage / 149 Benoît MULONGELA TSHILOMBAL’extractivisme à la péripherie de la…

DICE Review 18.1 – May 2021
Issues / 7th May 2021

Issue 18.1 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 18.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA Latin mythology and its European reflexes / 7 II. DESTINÉES EUROPÉENNES Mioara CODLEANUValences identitaires de la charge variétale dans la traduction / 39 Cosmin CĂPRIOARĂParticularités de la latinité roumaine. Relecture des recherches dans le domaine / 57 Monica Cezarina OBAGIU ILIEThe logico-linguistic bases of discourse generation / 95 Ferdinand OKOKO-o-ALILa stylistique française dans l’univers romanesque africain : Cas de l’insulte / 115 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Annick ENGLEBERTL’intégration de l’enseignement bilingue consécutif dans les systèmes éducatifs : les enseignants africains entre transfert de savoirs et transfert de compétences / 135 Maria Elena MUSCANDeutsche Redewendungen und Chunks mit Tieren – ein Gesteuerter Spracherwerb / 153 David LUMBALASome problems of testing pupils in English as a foreign language: Case of Kananga secondary schools / 161 Sofie BARTHELSLes « amants-amis », une alternative à l’éros ? Lecture paratopique du couple dans Oncle Anghel et Présentation Des Haïdoucs de Panaït Istrati / 175 Natasha SHARMA, Naveen Kumar MEHTAMinor characters in the select short stories of R. K. Narayan: A critique / 189 Ferdinand OKOKO-o-ALILa…

DICE Review 17.2 – November 2020
Issues / 5th November 2020

Issue 17.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download AbstractsDownload DICE 17.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Alexandru GAFTONThe metaphor between splendour and frailty / 7 Jean HIAMBA OVUNGUPersonne, personnalisme dans les philosophies de M. Nédoncelle, E. Mounier et G. Marcel. Confrontations critiques / 17 II. CONFLUENCES Ștefan GĂITĂNARUThe reorganization of the direct and indirect objects in Romanian language / 27 Monica Cezarina OBAGIU ILIECognitive-discursive analysis by means of the Tropes software / 35 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Jean HIAMBA OVUNGULes forgerons du Kasaï et leurs rites initiatiques / 63 Cristina HERMEZIUConfinement et pratiques de l’extimité sur internet et les réseaux sociaux numériques / 75 Antoine MBODI WEDIONDO NEMBALEMBADe la didactisation de l’histoire en 5ème et 6ème années secondaires dans la ville de Kananga (de 2018 à 2019) / 93 Ana-Maria POPESCU POPAGrammatical and stylistic particularities in Livy’s work / 109 Sofie BARTHELSCondamnation de l’éros et paratopie de l’écrivain : la représentation du couple dans Kyra Kyralina et Oncle Anghel, de Panaït Istrati / 155 IV. ÉVÉNEMENTS Roxana-Magdalena BÂRLEAOn Romanian culture in European context / 171 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931

DICE Review 17.1 – May 2020
Issues / 12th May 2020

Issue 17.1 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 17.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FONDEMENTS Baudouin DECHARNEUX L’ Apocalypse: une idée antique ambiguë / 7 II. DESTINÉES EUROPÉENNES Lucian CHIȘU The second shout: Fănuș Neagu and his classicization. On „În văpaia lunii” (1971) through the eyes of literary criticism / 19 Serenela GHIŢEANU „Le mal de mer”, de Marie Darrieussecq: défi des clichés et complexe de la mère / 33 Diana PAINCA “All this evidence! But one picture would be worth a thousand words”. The translation of imagery in oral history interviews on communism / 43 III. CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Denis ROUX Toponymie de la Provence: état des lieux, questions, enjeux et errements / 69 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA La latinité orientale. Aspects historiques et linguistiques / 103 Marinuşa CONSTANTIN The actantial structure of derived change-of-state verbs in the old Romanian language (I) / 121 Lilia CUCIUC Linguistic calques in the Romanian language of the Republic of Moldova / 141 Anișoara BLÎNDU BADEA Transphrastic connectors in The Gospel according to Matthew / 163 IV. CONFLUENCES Maria-Elena MUSCAN Projektbasiertes unterrichten. ein Motivierendes Konzept der…

DICE Review 16.2 – November 2019
Issues / 10th November 2019

Issue 16.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 16.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS FONDEMENTS Alexandru GAFTON Bilingualism – to term through concept/ 7 Gheorghe CHIVU The Transylvanian School – a new assessment/ 47 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA The concept of “Latinitas”. A diachronic approach/ 57 CONFLUENCES Lucian CHIȘU Fănuș Neagu – Addenda to the volumes published between 1959 and 1962 / 69 Sébastien CHONAVEY La création du lien matrimonial dans Raoul de Cambrai. Le cas de Bernier et Béatrice / 85 Maria-Elena MUSCAN Der Weg zur Literatur führt über die Grammatik / 107 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Mioara CODLEANU La gestion des marqueurs identitaires entre le transfert et le blocage / 119 Nicolas SOLONAKIS Vers une théorie synthétique de l’émergence du capitalisme et du développement économique de l’Europe : L’apport de Fernand Braudel / 133 Cecilia VÂRLAN Identität und Alterität im Roman Europolis von Jean Bart / 153 Yusuke SUMI Japan described in a 1755 Latin geographic treatise. Issues of translation and interpretation / 167 ÉVÉNEMENTS Liliana ȚUROIU Une initiative coulée dans le bronze  – La première stutue de la Reine Marie de Roumanie érigée…

DICE Review 16.1 – April 2019
Issues / 25th April 2019

Issue 16.1 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 16.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS FONDEMENTS Sébastien CHONAVEY Utopie, dystopie et leurs avatars/ 7 Alice TOMA L’architecture de l’information dans le discours scientifique/ 53 Constantin-Georgel STOICA Romanian language in preparing and evaluating students/ 53 CONFLUENCES Ioana VASILOIU The behavioural norm a European institution/ 91 Cătălin STURZA The three postmodernisms. Two generations of Romanian writers facing the west/ 103 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Gabriela-Aurelia CHIRAN The contrastive-typological analysis of a fragment from the text Le Château des Carpathes / Castelul din Carpați, by Jules Verne / 123 Firdes VELI MUSLEDIN Onomasiological perspective verbal idioms with key element of Turkish origin / 145 Violeta BUTISEACĂ Intensity operators in Romanian and Spanish / 161 ÉVÉNEMENTS Cristina-Valentina DAFINOIU Review. Anca Ursa and Nora Mărcean, „Limba română medicală. Româna pentru obiective specific” [Romanian medical language. Romanian for specific purposes], Cluj-Napoca, Editura Limes, 2018, 276 p. / 193 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931