General Policy
Submitting and publishing an article in the DICE Review is free of charge.
Thematic concerns and text categories; obligatory keywords
The sections of each volume are concerned with various aspects of intercultural relations:
– The ideological, political, social, economic and educational fundaments of European and global cultural dialogue.
– Theories and practices of alterity, the evolution of mentalities, institutionalized culture in the relation “localism – Europeanism – globalism”.
– Personalities emerged in foreign ethno-linguistic spaces.
– Present experiences of adaptation to diverse cultures.
– Diachrony and synchrony in cultural, ethno-linguistic, professional contacts.
– Filiations, cross-influences, particular representations of international trends, schools, tendencies in literature, art, science, religion, education, etc.
– The circulation in time and space of some themes, motifs, styles, creative techniques in traditional and modern world culture.
– Cultural identity vs. multilingualism. Minority languages/national languages/official languages/worldwide circulation languages.
– The multivalent dialogue of the arts: individual and communal, local and universal, word and image, sound and movement, etc.
– Reviews of events devoted to intercultural dialogue.
– Reviews, annotations, commentaries on various studies, research results, translations, experiments, practices concerning interculturality.
The texts can be presented in the form of studies, micro-monographs, essays, reviews, annotations and commentaries, which observe the norms of length and structure of each text type.
Keywords which should indicate conformity with the orientation of the journal: alterity, diversity (cultural), identity (cultural), dialogue, interculturality, multilingualism, mentalities, local, regional, European, global, ethno-linguistic spaces, diachrony, synchrony.
Obviously, authors can utilize any of the lexical-morphological and semantic variations of the terms in this list.
Selection criteria for proposed contributions
The evaluation and initial selection of proposed contributions is made by an editorial committee, in conformity with the current academic criteria:
- The relevance of the article for the thematic orientation of the Journal and the degree of its actual contribution to the development of the scientific research in the field.
- The wealth and diversity of the concrete information used in support of the theoretical approach.
- The originality of the approach to the subject and of the scientific demonstration, as well as the opening onto new research in the domain.
- The previous experience and research as reflected in the personalized, creative and critical use of bibliographic sources relevant to the subject treated in the article.
- Observance of the text processing norms and of the Journal’s policies.
The authors are notified of the acceptance in principle and invited to send their article for peer-review evaluation within seven days.
The peer review process
Stages, procedures and deadlines:
- The first stage of the evaluation, concerning the conformity, in principle, with the abovementioned general criteria, is carried out by the Editorial Board.
- In the second stage, the article is sent to our external evaluators – experts in the domains approached in each article.
- The deadline for the acceptance of the material submitted by the appointed evaluators is of 5 days.
- The evaluation deadline is of 30 days.
- The Editorial board takes every care to ensure the anonymity of both the author and the evaluator.
- The evaluation can be realised electronically, according to the chart established by the Journal (vezi formularul în Anexa 1. Pe site, se va deschide corespunzător) or in the form of a classical short review. In both cases, the appreciation must also be summarised by the numerical quantification proposed by the journal, on a scale of 1 to 35. In case an article is rejected, the observations will have to clearly justify the evaluator’s decision.
- In case of wide differences of appreciation between the two evaluators, the editorial board will resort to a third evaluator. In this situation the, term for the notification of the author is extended to another 10 days.
- In the third stage, the author receives feedback, formulated according to one of these three variants: a) the article is accepted in the form submitted; b) the article is accepted for publication after the revisions suggested by the evaluators are made; c) the article is rejected. The article is to be resent, with the required revisions, no later than 10 days from the date of the notification about the evaluators’ decision.
- In the fourth stage, the final decision to publish the contribution is taken following the settlement of all the viewpoints of those involved: Author – Evaluators – Editorial board.
Evaluation form / Fiche d’évaluation / Fişă de evaluare
Waiting period
- The maximum period of waiting for the communication of the publication decision is five weeks. In the special situations presented above (resorting to a third evaluator; agreeing on viewpoints between author and evaluators – exclusively intermediated by the editorial board; the accepted revision of the form of the article), the period is extended to seven weeks, which might mean rescheduling publication for a subsequent issue of the journal. In total, from the deadline for the submission of the contribution (30 March and 30 September, respectively) to its publication in the Journal, the waiting time is of about six weeks.
- The proposals for collaboration are integrated into the selection and publication process in the order of their arrival at the address of the Journal, within the limit of the maximum size of the current issue. The extra contributions will be included in the subsequent issue, following the usual stages and the authors will be notified about this in due time. In case of a forthcoming special thematic issue, this will be announced at least eight months in advance, under the heading “News – Useful information” on the Journal site. The contributions not relating to the respective thematic issue will be considered for the subsequent issue, in the same order of their arrival.
Rights and Responsibilities
Authors are not charged any fee for the publication of the materials printed in the Journal. On the other hand, the Journal does not offer royalty payments for the articles published. If this is possible, DICE offers a free copy of the printed version to each of the contributors to every issue (with an extra copy for the library of the institution the respective authors are affiliated to), bearing the cost of postal fees for those situated very far from the bookshop of the publisher issuing the printed version.
Access to the electronic version of the journal is free for any reader, while the access to the publication, peer review, etc. proceses are reserved for the DICE Journal password holders.
By sending in a text for publication, authors agree to its (re)publication and indexing in International Databases.
Each author assumes full responsibility for the content and ideas in the text authored.
Authors will attach to the materials proposed for publication a statement on their own responsibility that the text belongs to them entirely, that it has not been previously published in other publications and that they have not used other documentary sources besides those indicated in the bibliographic references.
The editorial board assumes the right to verify the potential situations of plagiarism or copyright infringement.
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Personal statement – EN.pdf |
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Declaration sur honneur – FR.pdf |
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Declarație de onestitate – ROM.pdf |
Selection and publication requirements
Our publication generally follows the customary norms of text processing. To ensure the graphical unity of the texts, the publishing house reserves its right to make small formal changes.
Application deadline for the materials selected for publication
– 30th of March – for No. 1; 30th of September– for No. 2 of each year.
– Texts are accepted in French/English/German/Spanish/Italian.
– The abstract (max. 100 words) and keywords (max. 8) will be written in English.
– We accept studies and articles of maximum 15 pages, typed in TNR, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing (approx. 40,000 characters).
Text formatting/Page layout
– Title in capitals, 16, Regular, Bold, Centred: TITLE
– First name and SURNAME in font 14, regular, right alignment, under the title: (Ion IONESCU)
– Institutional affiliation in 14, regular, right alignment, under the name.
– Personal e-mail address in 14, regular, right alignment, under the name of the institution
– The Abstract and Keywords will be typed in 11, single-spaced, in this exact order and titling under the author’s data.
– Quotations will be italicised, placed between inverted commas and followed by the respective reference. Quotations longer than one line will be written as a separate paragraph.
– Bibliographic references can be given as footnotes: A. Coulon, 1993, p. 42.
– Final bibliographic references will follow the system APA5th:
COULON, Alain, 1993, L’Ethnomethodologie, Paris: PUF.
PINKER, S.; PRINCE, A., 1996, “The nature of human concepts”, in: Communication and Cognition, 29, pp. 307-361.
– Images, tables, graphics must observe the copyright legislation, any borrowings being duly acknowledged; the resolution (300 ppi) and dimension should suit the layout and formatting norms.
Information for authors
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Information for authors / Informations Pour les Auteurs / Informații Pentru Autori [Română + English + Français] |
– Contributions shall be sent on line in Word format + PDF at and .
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