Issue 15.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 15.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS FONDEMENTS Alexandru GAFTON Le lieu d’articulation et les habiletes articulatoires dans une perspective evolutive/ 7 CONFLUENCES Gheorghe CHIVU Néologismes d’origine latine dans les écrits de Dimitrie Cantemir. Hronicul vechimei a romano-moldo-vlahilor/ 111 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA Romanian language in 1918/ 121 Ana-Maria MINUȚ; Ion LIHACIU Einige Bemerkungen zur Etymologie des rumänischen Wortschatzes in Ioan-Piuariu „Molnars Deutsch-Walachische Sprachlehre” (1788) und „Wörterbüchlein deutsch und walachisches” (1822)/ 131 Ștefan GĂITĂNARU Le système de la quantification en roumain / 149 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Mioara CODLEANU Structures contraintes en approche traductologique ou de l’adaptation enonciative/ 161 Simona ANTOFI C. A. Rosetti’s „Jurnalul meu” – Aspects of the intimate writing/ 175 María SANZ CASARES Multilingüismo e interculturalidad en la experiencia Erasmus en „El final del viaje”, de María Sanz/ 187 Cristina TAMAȘ Dénotation et connotation dans le roman „Les vacances du président”, de Cristina Tamaș/ 195 Mariana TOCIA Freedom of speech in media communication. The censorship and politicisation of media institutions/ 205 ÉVÉNEMENTS Olimpia VARGA Publius Ovidius Naso in the Romanian culture at the beginning of…
Issue 15.1 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 15.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE/ 7 FONDEMENTS Alexandru GAFTON Entre reductionnisme et antipositivisme/ 11 Gheorghe CHIVU Norme réelle – norme idéale. Dans le lexique littéraire roumain au milieu du XIXème siècle. Le premier Dictionnaire Académique/ 17 CONFLUENCES Mioara CODLEANU Reseaux onomastiques et empreinte identitaire/ 37 Ștefan GĂITĂNARU L’allocuteur déictique dans le discours: le vocatif et l’impératif/ 55 Xavier LUFFIN Litterature et multiculturalite: une approche comparative de l’œuvre de Panait Istrati (Roumanie – France) et de Sait Faik (Turquie)/ 69 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA Rhetorical values and aesthetic values in Ovid’s Metamorphoses/ 81 Oana VOICHICI 1989 december Revolution. Urban legends/ 109 Emilio MANZOTTI Soundscapes. Le «Campane de’ Villaggi»/ 119 ÉVÉNEMENTS Lucian CHIȘU A prophet in his country/147 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931
Issue 14.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 14.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE/ 7 Baudouin DECHARNEUX L’architecture comme paradigme philosophique dans le De Opificio de Philon d’Alexandrie (OPIF. 17-22)/ 11 Fabien NOBILIO Le catalogue comme architecture en trompe-l’oeil? Les métamorphoses de la croix chez Tertullien et Minucius Felix/ 27 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA Le catalogue rhétorique. Entre epistémologie et esthétique littéraire/ 45 Cristina-Alice TOMA La généralisation intensionnelle et la généralisation extensionnelle dans l’architecture du discours mathématique/ 79 Jean-Charles DUCÈNE Lorsque l’ordre des livres contrevient à l’ordre des sciences: les repertoires d’Ibn Al-Nadim (XE S.) Et Muḥammad Ibn Al-Akfani (M. 1349)/ 99 Pierre BONNEELS De l’immédiateté de la constitution mentale des objets l’écho de la notion d’intentionnalité médiévale dans la pensée de Pierre de Jean Olivi/ 113 Costel COROBAN Memory, genealogy and power in íslendingabók/ 129 Cristina TAMAȘ La mappe imaginaire des traces du poete Ovide à Pontus Euxinus, telles qu’elles apparaissent chez les auteurs de la littérature roumaine/ 145 Simona ANTOFI Dimitrie Cantemir’s the Divan between the educational and moralizing aims and empowerment of writing/153 Mariana TOCIA Catalogues numériques et la couverture médiatique…
Issue 14.1 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 14.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS FONDEMENTS DU DIALOGUE CULTUREL Marcel COURTHIADE Teaching Sanskrit to European Rromanies (or Rroms)/ 7 Roxana-Elisabeta MARINESCU Representing gender in communist and postcommunist Romania / 27 CONFLUENCES Cecilia-Iuliana VÂRLAN Morphological, syntactic, and semantic features of the verb in the Romanian translations from Arthur Schopenhauer’s „The wisdom of life” / 41 Lăcrămioara BERECHET „La colonne sans fin”, le théâtre qui unit les mondes / 55 Oana VOICHICI Poltergeist phenomena in contemporary folklore / 75 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Yusuke SUMI The influence of the Romanian language on the Romani idiom of Turda, Romania / 85 Lăcrămioara BERECHET Contre la mimesis. Un théâtre qui recompose de manière paradisiaque / 105 Marinuşa CONSTANTIN A-1 and ÎN-1 (ÎM-1) derivation during 1532-1640. A constructional analysis / 127 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931
Issue 13.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 13.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS FONDEMENTS DU DIALOGUE CULTUREL Gheorghe CHIVU La modernisation latino-romane du lexique roumain. Le modèle interne / 7 Emilio MANZOTTI Muliebre polenta. Divagazioni linguistiche e letterarie attorno ad un «Cibus Vilissimus». (Parte Prima) / 19 Xavier LUFFIN Le passage de l’alphabet arabe à l’alphabet latin: quelques cas au-delà de la réforme de Mustafa Kemal Atatürk / 49 CONFLUENCES Lucian CHIȘU Literary debates in the Romania’s Nineties. Consequences and assessments / 61 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA Avant-gardism and Latinity / 83 Olga INKOVA Le prime traduzioni romanze del „Cappotto” di Gogol’: precisazioni cronologiche e traduttologiche / 93 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Julien DECHARNEUX Un exemple de discours catalogique original dans l’Épopée de ʿAntar/ 121 Mioara CODLEANU De la specificité des relationèmes et des difficultés traductives / 135 READ ONLINE: ISSN: 2067-0931
Issue 13.1 of the DICE Review has been published in April, 2016. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 13.1 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS Maria Teresa ZANOLA Préface / 7 Alice Cristina TOMA Introduction / 9 APPROCHES THÉORIQUES Anne-Claude BERTHOUD Les enjeux du plurilinguisme pour le discours scientifique / 13 François GAUDIN L’adieu au référent / 23 Alice Cristina TOMA Pour une terminologie discursive / 31 Fee-Alexandra HAASE Transfer of categories and terminology between ‘text’ and ‘texts’. An interdisciplinary model of the concept ‘text’ and it’s history from text criticism to contemporary discourse in arts and sciences / 69 MULTILINGUISME ET POLITIQUES LINGUISTIQUES Deliana VASILIU Traduction spécialisée et terminologie néolatine. Le cas de la version en roumain de l’acquis communautaire / 93 Cristina VARGA, Los gestos de la pantalla táctil. Crowdsourcing y neología / 107 Andreia SILVA, Rosa-Maria FRÉJAVILLE, Gilles DELVECCHIO, Raphaele DUMONT, Au service du multilinguisme: gestion et implantation de ressources terminologiques multilingues en milieu universitaire dans un cadre européen / 123 Adeline DARRIGOL Politique linguistique et toponymie en Guinée Espagnole / 137 MULTILINGUISME ET TERMINOLOGIE Adam RENWICK «ORBITE LEO»: précision, pertes, paradigmes et pléonasmes dans la traduction des sigles…
Issue 12.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Abstracts Download DICE 12.2 Full Text TABLE OF CONTENTS: FUNDAMENTALS OF CULTURAL DIALOGUE Gheorghe CHIVU The Latin Model in early Romanian linguistic writing /7 Lucian CHIȘU Literature in IS-CS – Challenges and Temptations/17 Andreea MIRONESCU A new found social relevance for literature? The case of Romanian postcommunist fiction/35 LITERATURE AND VISUAL ARTS HISTORY Vlad BEDROS The monk, equal to the martyrs? Moldavian iconographic instances/45 Mioara CODLEANU „Scaunul Domnesc” ou de la polysemie divergente et des implications traductives/63 Iuliana MIU La photographie et le corps dans la prose de Mircea Nedelciu/75 CONFLUENCES Mimi-Carmina COJOCARU «Je ne pensais jamais apprendre a mourir» – ou sur le sens de l’être dans la création eminescienne /83 Cosmin BORZA Beyond the myth. The Romanian post-communist revisionism /95 Ioan CRISTESCU The dramatic adaptations of Picu Pătruț and European models /107 Ștefan FIRICĂ L’autofiction: un genre littéraire «féminin»?/117 Ionela Matilda BREAZU The specificity of Romanian compound anthroponyms containing prepositions/125 EUROPEAN CULTURAL IDENTITY AND OTHERNESS IN THE CONTEXT OF NORTH-SOUTH RELATIONS Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA The sensational literature of Scandinavian Europe/135 Alexandru GAFTON Silence becomes the traveller: a…
Issue 12.1 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Full Text Download Abstracts TABLE OF CONTENTS: FONDEMENTS DU DIALOGUE CULTUREL Petre Gheorghe BARLEA The professional identity of the (Romanian) academic/7 Ervin XHINAKU; Olsa PEMA The totalitarian achievement and maintenance of absolute control over man in George Orwell’s „1984” and Ismail Kadare’s „The Palace of Dreams”/25 Celia GHYKA Defining spatial violence. Bucharest as a study case/37 Florentina MATACHE Paul Gottereau – a French cultural model to the Romanian architecture in the second half of the nineteenth century/51 Mihaela-Viorica CONSTANTINESCU Meta communicative aspects of im/politeness in mid-19th century Romanian Principalities/ 61 Gabriela STOICA Fericire (Bonheur) – conceptualisation et lexicalisation à l’époque Roumaine prémoderne/79 CONFLUENCES Ioan CRISTESCU Dramatic structures in religious oratory case study – Antim Ivireanu’s „Didahii”/101 Corina Daniela POPESCU Several representations of the foreigner in Romanian popular epics notes for a folkloric imagology /107 Irina CĂRĂBAŞ November 1948: a written test on socialist realism/119 Andreea Gabriela IONESCU-BERECHET Divas – the blazing weapons of socialist propaganda/139 Alma KARASALIU QOSE Character individualization in Swift’s satire Tale of a Tub/145 Simona GALAŢCHI Paralleled characters in the dramatic works of Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu/157 Sorin…
Issue 11.2 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Full Text Download Abstracts TABLE OF CONTENTS: FONDEMENTS DU DIALOGUE CULTUREL Alexandru GAFTON Social dynamics and the linguistic norm/7 Lucian CHIŞU In search of its own identity: mass-media in post-communism/25 Adriana CUCIUREANU Romanian culture within UNESCO cultural heritage/41 CONFLUENCES Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA; Ana Maria PANȚU The etymologic structure of Romanian mythonyms (II)/51 Cecilia-Iuliana VÂRLAN Difficulties and constraints in translating philosophical texts. Mechanisms of reception and the (in)stability of meaning/69 Marinuşa CONSTANTIN La relation Latin-Roumain dans l’evolution des mots derivés avec le préfixe ÎN-/83 Corina SANDIUC Languages and cultures in contact: the French language and the maritime terminology/95 Alina-Magdalena Preda L’adaptation des termes d’origine française aux traits caractéristiques de la phonologie roumaine/105 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Naveen K MEHTA Suffering: blessing in disguise (exploring Kālidāsa’s Abhijñānaśākuntalam and Shakespeare’s Othello)/119 Angela STĂNESCU Fiction with a mission: history as lived experience in Salman Rushdie’s novels/129 Suela KOÇA Analysis of the use of English set phrases and their Albanian equivalents/139 Maria Mocanu Notes from manuscripts and old books from Moldavia. I-IV, Corpus edited by Ioan Caproşu and Elena Chiaburu. Fragments of history/149 READ…
Issue 11.1 of the DICE Review has now been published. To download it, please click on the link below: DOWNLOAD: Download Full Text Download Abstracts TABLE OF CONTENTS: FONDEMENTS DU DIALOGUE CULTUREL Fee-Alexandra HAASE ‘Cosmos’, the ‘order of the Universe’, and the ‘Spheres of the World’: the tradition of the conceptualization of ‘globalization’ in the discourse of philosophy/7 Fabiola KADI Poésie et religion, leurs rapports et leurs particularités dans la vie de l’homme/33 Silvia FLOREA; Peter J. WELLS; Diana FLOREA The web is the limit: language, culture and MOOCs/53 Angela STĂNESCU Collocation-centred approaches to teaching and learning English vocabulary/67 Edlira XEGA The implementation of syllabi for the study of English in conformity with the Common European Framework of Reference /73 CONFLUENCES Adrian CHIRCU La relation entre les adverbes et les vocabulaires fondamental et représentatif de la langue roumaine/95 Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA; Ana Maria PANŢU The etymologic structure of Romanian mythonyms (I) /105 Eva ÇËRAVA (KANE); Anyla SARAÇI The phraseology of “head” in relation with Balkan mentality (contrastive analysis of the phraseology of Albanian, Bulgarian and Greek languages)/125 CONVERGENCES ET DIVERGENCES IDENTITAIRES Gjergji PENDAVINJI; Robert STRATOBERDHA La communication interculturelle et la négociation de l’identité des Albanais/ 133 Ramona Elena STANCIU The modern evolution…